People use search engines on a daily basis to find answers to their questions, solutions to their problems or products to buy. More than 100 billion searches are performed on Google alone each single month! To take advantage of this and gain visitors to your website and potentially new customers, you website needs to appear in the top positions of Google or Bing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website for search engines so that it appears in the search results for the keywords (search phrases) that matter for your business.

When we started with SEO (2 years ago), search engine marketing was straightforward. All you had to do was to decide for which keywords you wanted to rank in Google, write 400 word articles (containing those keywords), build a few links, rinse and repeat. SEO Strategy That’s not the case today. If you follow the above strategy, your website will disappear from Google in no-time.

Modern SEO is not just about keywords and links but it’s about providing great user experiences. The first task is to understand your users and then adjust your website and content to satisfy their intent in the fastest possible way.


  • Technical SEO

  • On-Page SEO

  • Off Page SEO

  • Local SEO

  • Penalty Recovery

  • Ranking Reports